5 Way To Make Money as a HACKER! Legally
Always you ask how can hacker make money with hacking?
Whether you want to take your hacking experience salable or freelance, I want you to flash back to always stay on the ethical side of the internet. You can’t act this like a game, what you’re about to do is ‘attack’ real- life companies. It’s about finding the vulnerabilities, not exploiting them. So how do hackers make money? Here are seven ways you can make money with hacking in 2022.

1. BugBount
A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs.
One of the main ways ethical hackers make money are bug bounty programs. These are where companies give cash prices for hackers to discover weakness in their products and expose them.
2. Penetration Testing
Penetration testing can be an excellent career choice for individuals with strong computer, IT, and problem-solving skills. The BLS projects much-faster-than-average growth for information security analysts, including penetration testers, from 2020–2030.
A penetration tester is a hacker who gets hired by a customer to test the needed compass particulars. That’s a little vague but principally, when a company designs a new product or character, penetration testing is needed to ensure the product is safe from hackers or malware. The hacker follows a procedure grounded on what they’re testing. A penetration tester can test numerous different things like APIs, product features, or a company’s structure.
Penetration testing jobs are on the rise, which means there’s money and plenty of opportunities. However, it ’ll help you stand out from the crowd, if you go get a certificate like a CEH, CPT and OSCP. I recommend it. Also, a great thing to do while you are training to become a penetration tester is to start intimately participating any word or research you might be learning. Community work is a great look for employers and it also builds up your online character and network.
So penetration testing is another great way to make money with your hacking skills. The thing is, it requires further training than chasing bounties. You need to be at a proficiency where you can comfortably work at a company that specializes in penetration testing. Which isn’t easy since it’s a lot of self- learning. There’s no academy that teaches hacking. You kind of have to just test and try different attack scripts, and be suitable to show it.
The average salary for a penetration tester is $118,773 per year in the United States.
3. Training others
Now that you know how hackers operate, you can help others by teaching them how to hack ethically or defend themselves against bad actors. You can help contribute to a safer internet by informing people about the dangers and training them on how to defend themselves all while making some extra doe. If you are really passionate about training, you could go full-time, there’s ample opportunity between emerging technologies and better tools.
Besides teaching online, it’s always helpful for experienced hackers to share what why to know with the newbies. YouTube is a great place to start for example. You can upload videos where you talk about your experiences and share thoughts and techniques. You can grow an audience and create another revenue stream if you’re really dedicated. Remember, it only takes 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time, for you to start earning money.
If you are camera-shy, how about a blog? Write down all the new things you learned. There are sites like Medium which can earn you money for your writings, and offers a place to grow an audience. Whatever it is, YouTube, Medium, Twitter — the earlier you start building your audience the better.
And look, down the line, once you’ve mastered some hacking skills, you might want to create some courses, there’s a bunch of platforms, Udemy is probably one of the most popular but see what works for you!
4. Freelancer
Being able to make money freelancing is one of the best benefits of being an ethical hacker. It’s a job that can be done 100% remotely and without having to have a strict 9–5 job. Even if you choose to have a 9–5 job, being able to supplement that with money that you can make on your own time is a very valuable thing.
For someone new to freelancing I think the ultimate goal is to build a strong portfolio so that you can have inbound marketing, which means companies coming to you offering you work rather than you having to go out and find clients.
However, at the beginning of your career this probably isn’t practical so I would suggest starting with smaller companies, maybe non-profit companies at first. Then move up to bigger and more competitive bug bounty programs as your skill improves.
5. Helping people after a cyber-attack
we saw a big increase in cybersecurity attacks on companies and consumers. With your newfound knowledge of these cyberattacks, you might be able to help the victims of these attacks recover and if you are providing them with tech support, you can certainly make some good coin with this method. You can possibly offer to remove any viruses that were installed or possibly try to recover data from a crashed system.
You don’t have to go that big though, you can also start smaller and just help out a family member or friend in need. There’s always a relative who needs a repair, and you can let them know if there’s a crisis situation you’re there to help. It’ll prevent a lot of damage plus you’ll build up your experience and resume.
Lastly, it never hurts to put out posters that contain descriptions of what you are capable of in locations that allow it. People in need might see this and contact you. I’d mention what your prices are as well to help them make a more informed choice.
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